Author: TOMOnihongo
Just started a new Instagram account for you guys!
I just started a new Instagram account. it is about studying Japanese.
I hope that it will help you which are studying Japanese.
Please check this out!
Japanese history – What happened when my grandmother was in Manchuria.
I just found the diary my grand mother left. I am so surprised and shocked reading it coz she was one of the person who went to Manshu which is China now. When I remember her, she was strict, kind and strict. And also she liked going out like mountain. My family were always worried about her because she was too old to go out. But now I think I could understand her. She was deprived her youth period by the war. So the time she was old is only the time she could use freely for herself. What happened she was in Manshu? I try to keep reading.
So, if you are interested in this, please check this out. The article is wirriten in Japanese. Hope this will help to practice to study Japanese and also to know Japanese history.
Do you know “Animal crossing” ?
Hi everyone, お元気ですか。最近日本は急に暑くなりました。
In the beginning of the March this year, one of my students told me that she was very excited about the animal crossing game. I asked 何ですか、それは?
After that, most of students started to talk about it. Thanks to that, I am pretty much know about it now.
The other day, I had a lesson with a student from Taiwan. She wanted to take a lesson to proofread.
It was very fun lesson. Because she has been making a sort of App which is to make own island map for animal crossing.
This is it.↓
じゃじゃじゃじゃーん! Lazy Island Planner

I like those all sentences. I suggested kind of nomal Japanese. But she insisted to prefer lazy atomospher. Then, I agreed with her.
I just found a mistake in the pic above.
Can you find it? Please leave a message if you find it.
Newly Redesigned website!!
予約と支払いを同時に行えるようになった You can book and pay at the same time.
クレジット決済が可能になった You can pay by your credit card or paypal.
Could you please do me a favor? I just reopened this website. But I know, There are some wrong sentences or grammar in English. So if you found something wrong, Please tell me. I really need your help, guys!! please.

See you soon!