Do you know “Animal crossing” ?
Hi everyone, お元気ですか。最近日本は急に暑くなりました。
In the beginning of the March this year, one of my students told me that she was very excited about the animal crossing game. I asked 何ですか、それは?
After that, most of students started to talk about it. Thanks to that, I am pretty much know about it now.
The other day, I had a lesson with a student from Taiwan. She wanted to take a lesson to proofread.
It was very fun lesson. Because she has been making a sort of App which is to make own island map for animal crossing.
This is it.↓
じゃじゃじゃじゃーん! Lazy Island Planner

I like those all sentences. I suggested kind of nomal Japanese. But she insisted to prefer lazy atomospher. Then, I agreed with her.
I just found a mistake in the pic above.
Can you find it? Please leave a message if you find it.